Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Anchored Hope in the Lord Jesus Christ

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. Hebrews 6:19a

What is this anchored hope of which Hebrews 6:19 speaks? Dear ladies, it is the hope from the Lord Jesus Christ. Each one of us is a sinner who has no hope to live up to God’s standards. The Lord Jesus came down to earth as an infant – He grew to a man – He lived a sinless life and died on a cross for your sins –for my sins. After 3 days, the Lord Jesus rose from the dead. He conquered death. He took on the pain of our sins. When we accept that we are sinners with no hope on our own, and ask the Lord Jesus to take control of our life – to be the center of our life, of our existence – it is then, ladies, that we can look to the hope of the Lord.

When we accept the Lord Jesus as our Savior, it does not guarantee a life of ease. It won’t guarantee that your baby will live a full life on earth. No, the hope is that God has a plan for each of us – and for your baby. His plans are not always what we expect them to be. I got caught in the wrong thinking that a miracle conception would have to mean that we were meant to have another child on earth from that pregnancy, and I was wrong. But ladies, our hope has to be in the Lord and in His plan for our lives.

This does not mean that it is aimless to pray for your baby – to ask the Lord to grow your baby to a healthy full-term transition to life on earth. God wants to hear your hearts desire. Look to Him and to His plan. Enjoy this day you have this precious baby growing inside of you. It is a miracle from God.

If you want to know more about how to receive the Lord Jesus as Savior, here is a website which explains it beautifully here

Today’s Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for this precious time of carrying this precious little one inside of me. Lord, I ask that You would continue to grow this baby. As each cell is developing, knit him/her together in Your perfect way. God, I thank you for the gift of Your son, Jesus. Thank You for Your plan of the cross. Thank you that Jesus has the power over death. Thank You that He is my eternal anchored hope of salvation. Help me to focus on hope in the Lord instead of hope in sonograms, hCG levels, and heartbeat sounds. Help me to be reminded of the great gift of today with this baby, even though I can’t see or hold him/her yet. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Dear ladies, I am praying for you today – for you to enjoy your day and to be growing in the Lord. When you find yourself anxious, get in God’s Word!

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